Monday, January 14, 2019
Gina, you had the job before you hopped off your bike. Almost 30 years ago I had posted the need for help with the house on the notice board at the neighbourhood church. Shortly afterward my phone rang. In that deep voice I came to know so well, you said you could come over to meet me. Off the bat you informed me you were 65 years old. Ha! You stayed for years helping me in so very many ways. When we checked in with each other regularly by phone on Friday nights I learned about you childhood, your marriage and life in Canada. You said Oliviero and you loved to dance and were good dancers. How you missed him. The time my husband, whom you called "Johnny", found you standing on the counter in the kitchen washing the overhead light fixture became a running joke for you two. You were 70 by then and loving friends. So you dismissed his lecture as he helped you down saying he was being just too fussy. Safe rest to you, Gina. It was a privilege to know you. Say Hi to Johnny for me.