Monday, January 14, 2019
Hello, I am Bob Mayea's eldest son. Bob is Ernie Mayea's son. Ernie, my Pepe, was Lillian Robinet's younger brother and John's Uncle. I no longer live in Windsor but am sentimental about my Pepe's family and was sorry to read about John's passing in the Windsor Star today. I remember spending much time in the hardware store with my Pepe visiting Aunt Lilly and John. I have fond memories of the store and a bicycle my Pepe bought from John. I was discussing John's passing with my mom Sallie Mayea. She too was disappointed to hear and to have missed today's Service. You likely also know of John's first cousin, Jake Francis Mayea's death this week. My mom told me she has Ernie and Marguerite's wedding photo from June 10, 1939. John Robinet was my Pepe's Best Man and the only "Mayea" in the wedding party. John was a very handsome 17 year old groomsman. Please reach out to me by email and I will send a scanned copy of your dad or pepe in that photo. I just need a contact. Our condolences, Sallie, Robbie and Jimmie Mayea