Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Julia, Frank Jr. and Mark, Growing up as a child next door to the Gacnik's for over 10 years was a pleasure. I remember as a young girl helping Mark and Frank Jr. wash their cars and learning from both a junior mechanic, but what I remember the most is Frank Sr. right behind them making sure they were instructing me properly. Having grand parents living far away Julia and Frank become for me adoptive grand parents, always so kind (still are), filling me with sweets, watching television and talking about what's going on at school. Time always flies by when you're at the Gacnik home, sometimes forgetting to go home for dinner as a child. Now myself a parent, Natasha often sneaks out of my parents house when visiting to run across the street to grandma Julia's house for sweets and hot chocolate, leaving my mother wondering where she went. I guess the tradition continues, Frank and Julia's home was and is still open for us to sneak over for sweets and conversation. He will be missed dearly. My thoughts are with you all, Julia, Frank Jr. and Mark during this difficult time. Emma Poirier xoxo