Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Janice & Gary I was so sorry to learn about the loss of your mother. I am sorry that I was unable to visit the funeral home to see you in person, but I did want to express my sympathy to you both. Janice, we were friends in grade 7 and 8 after my family moved here from Montreal. We moved again- and I went to Massey while you went to Centennial and we lost touch. However, I have many fond memories of all the times we spent listening to records and dancing in your basement. We had so much fun and I always thought your mom was so "cool" to let us come over so much. I often remembered her example, when I was raising my own children. My mom, Barbara Whent Kovach, also sends her sympathy- she was also involved in IODE and played bridge with your mom. With deepest sympathy, Dawn (Whent) Lynn