Michelle Margaret Prince

Michelle Margaret Prince

December 11 1971 - November 18 2018

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Michelle Margaret

Obituary of Michelle Margaret Prince

To view Michelle's full online tribute please click the link below. https://www.facebook.com/Michelle-Prince-Education-and-Inspiration-323979531087203/ Michelle Prince December 11, 1971 " November 18, 2018 It is with a deep sense of loss thatwe celebrate the life of Dr. Michelle Prince, who passed away Sunday November18, 2018, on her terms and at peace. Our family, friends and communitywill deeply miss her radiant smile, purposeful eyes, and unstoppable spirit,but we are comforted by the many lessons she taught us over the last five yearsas she waged a relentless fight against cancer. From her initial diagnosis of Stage 4colon cancer, she was determined to live her life, each moment, each day, eachyear to the fullest, yet fearful she would be deprived early of watching herchildren grow, which only motivated her more. Our children Sienna (11) andPhoenix (9) are who they are today because of her determination to fight. Her impact is real and her legacy isfound in the many lives that she touched and inspired. As a Doctor of Chiropractic and agraduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, where she formed longlasting and true friendships, she moved back to her hometown of Windsor toeffect positive and real change in local wellness care. Dr. Michelle Prince wasone of a handful of doctors in Ontario to hold certification with theInternational Chiropractic Pediatric Association. She quickly became awell-known advocate for her profession, locally and internationally, but hertrue passion was her patients. She was great at what she did and her remarkableabilities are reflected through the stories of the lives she changed. Her practice,Lifetime Wellness Centre, is one of the largest multidisciplinary practices inCanada, but her care and compassion was personal and individual as she alwaysfocused on her patients" needs, no matter the time nor the circumstance. Equally important to her was her lovefor her team and women in chiropractic. She took the time and devotedmany days and nights, so as to provide others an opportunity to learn, to grow,and to pursue their own entrepreneurial success, never asking nor wanting anythingin return, but to help others. She was an invaluable contributor toher profession, whether it was travelling as part of the Doctors WithoutBorders missions to the Dominican Republic, or her tireless advocacy ofthe importance of chiropractic care in a balanced and holistic approach tohealthy and better living. As Windsor"s First Lady from 2003 -2014, Michelle participated in many fundraising and community drives, fromlocal ribbon-cutting ceremonies to regional and international events. She wasmy wife and dedicated partner in both public and private times " some notalways easy " and always the embodiment of grace. As a result of her mentorship,leadership and devotion to the empowerment of women, she was recognized withthe prestigious Athena Award in 2013. She joined a distinguished group ofrecipients recognized for attaining excellence, community service and activelyassisting women in their professional achievements and leadership skills. As fall approached this year,Michelle " as always " was in a reflective and positive mood. "It has been so wonderful unpluggingand spending time with family and friends this summer. I am overwhelmed alwayswith the love and support I"m shown. I remember those who have not made it thisfar and I try to enjoy every moment in honour of them," Michelle wrote to themany people who followed her on social media. Michelle was diagnosed with stage 4colon cancer on January 30, 2014. Months prior she trained and participated inthe Detroit International Marathon and experienced an unfamiliar pain that shedismissed as a nasty runners" stitch until the pain persisted and at the adviceof Dr. Kadri and Dr. Ziter she scheduled a colonoscopy. That day changed everything. We are forever grateful to Dr. Ziter,Dr. Ravid, Dr. Misra, Dr. Tracey, and Dr. Kanjeekal for their immediate andcomforting reassurances but, that day began Michelle"s new journey and newpursuit. We went home that afternoon, sat onour bed and cried out of fear of the unknown. Sienna and Phoenix were 7and 5 respectively, and we were gripped with our realistic and understandablefear that they would never have the opportunity to know their mother. Despite the harsh statistical realityof the disease, she always believed she needed to fight so that our children,would not just remember her, but know that their time together would bespecial. She had every right to cry, to beangry or go down and cocoon in that "rabbit hole" as she often talked about "but she chose to live and she lived, cherished and loved every moment she wasgiven. Neither hard times nor cancer wouldrob her of who she was - a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, afriend, an advocate. Her new purpose was, "To keep life asnormal as possible with young kids, I have to focus on every single moment "what"s the positive?" In her five-year battle, she createda legacy of memories that will serve to remind all of us of her remarkable andunrelenting spirit. She helped shape and nurture her children Sienna andPhoenix, taking comfort in knowing that they were maturing as youngcompassionate, strong and caring adults, who exuded her personality andindependence. She was equally proud of her niece, Paige Prince Wilcox,and her continued growth and development as a beautiful young woman. After 80-plus chemo treatments, threemajor surgeries and the unforgivable roller-coaster of the disease, Michellenever felt sorry for herself. Michelle never looked back and questioned herrealities and difficulties. She used her disease as anopportunity to help others. To inspire others. To hope with others. Building on her experience as a longtime movie reviewer with AM800, she launched her own radio show, "Taking Chargeof your Health" on Bell Media, to provide people and the community with aplatform to share and educate each other on leading healthier lives. She wasthe driving force behind the record breaking $1.5 million inaugural Gala"Starry Night" to raise funds for the new regional hospital. She also garnered national attentionwhen she demystified the realities of cancer and its treatments. Michelle tookthe unprecedented approach to live streaming her bi-weekly chemotherapysessions, publicly answering viewer questions while attached to an IV andreceiving chemotherapy. "Canswers Centre Live!" earned the 2018Innovation Award and recently her inspiring story was one of three-profiled inthe Reader"s Digest feature, "How to Become a Courageous Person". Michelle was most proud of being ableto help others. In 2018, she was instrumental in developing the T2B ComfortCare Tote program in partnership with the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation,Transition to Betterness, the Polewski Family and the Stephanie BarryZekelman Foundation. She appreciated the comforts that were provided when sheherself received a "care package" from a friend who was a cancer survivor. Shewanted those battling in our community to be provided items she felt wouldprovide comfort in their time of need. Michelle never complained and alwayslooked to the future. Her love of life, family, andfriends, created special and memorable stories. People would gravitate towardher warm, positive, inspiring and captivating spirit. She will be forever remembered as aselfless, passionate wife, mother, and a hero who always had a smile eventhough times were tough. Michelle was a warrior with the resilience andstrength of many, and was powered by her army of supporters, caregivers andprofessionals. Our "Angels of Care" gave us fivemore birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, vacations, and celebrations thatstatistically were not possible. We are thankful to all of those whohelped her and helped us over the past five years. Dr. Paul Ziter and Laura S., Dr.Sindu Kanjeekal, Dr. Lawrence Aoun, Dr. Philip Phillip and Nanci B., Dr.Sabeena Misra, Dr. Anat Ravid and Colleen, Dr. Larry Sirls, Dr. Tom Deklaj,David Musyj and the entire team at Windsor Regional Hospital, Karmanos CancerInstitute, Mayo Clinic, the James Cancer Hospital, and the entire team atValero Wellness; Dr. Meighan Valero, and Dr. Sara Henderson. Michelle underwent an unheard of 80+chemotherapy treatments every other week administered at the Windsor RegionalCancer Centre and Vitamin C treatments at Valero Wellness with additional helpand guidance from her friends Jen Stancatto and Dr. Kelley Upcott. Her angels were all the nurses thatbecame our extended family, and because of them she lived as long as shedid. Our thanks to these remarkable and dedicated professionals; Maggie,Marg, Terri, Dianne, Sarah, Hannah, Chris, Heidi, Maria, Patti, Tatjana, Jen,Kellie, Monica, Diane, Lynn, Laura, Sylvia, Dianne, Cathy, Jamie, Liz, Kit,Dana, Caroline, Katherine T., Sue, Erika, Connie, Giovanna, Nancy B. and thebest volunteers in the world. Special thanks and love to Tony Peters. A special note of recognition to ourangels of Bayshore, Gina and Brandon, who visited us almost daily to care forour Michelle. Words cannot express the love and affection provided toMichelle by Gina, and we will eternally be grateful to her for her calm,compassionate and experienced care. Michelle is survived by lovingfamily, her children Sienna and Phoenix; husband Eddie Francis; her parentsMichael and Margaret Ann Prince, sister Beth Ann Prince and niece Paige, and ofcourse Marshmallow. She is also survived by many aunts,uncles and cousins, William Prince and his wife Dale, Deborah Murdoch andhusband Rick, Brett Prince and wife Sandra, Alfred Prince Jr., Corey, Joshua,Sarah, Jenefer, Riki, Roxanne, Michael, Jordan, Tyler, Courtney, andSean. Dear daughter in law of Farid and Arlette Francis, sister in law ofFred Francis, Roger Francis and his wife Tiffany, and nephews Pierce and Preston. Michelle"s favourite place, which shecalled her "happy place", was Walloon Lake in Northern Michigan. She went thereas a child, and then as a mother. Walloon Lake was also the childhood summerhome of author Ernest Hemingway whose words describe Michelle perfectly,"Courage is grace under pressure." It was a Prince family tradition to spendtime there, and her family will continue to enjoy the memories that WalloonLake holds of the past and the promise of the future. Her life was meaningful and impactfulas she lived every day to the fullest, enriching others around her. Her timewas short, her impact meaningful as she changed the lives of many. Shewill always be in our hearts. Forever loved. Visitation Service Information Arrangements have been entrusted toWindsor Chapel - 519-253-7234. A private visitation for family andclose friends will be held at WINDSOR CHAPEL (South Chapel) 3048 DougallAvenue, today, Wednesday, November 21, 2018 from 3:00 " 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to join the family incelebration of Michelle"s life for a public visitation at Heritage ParkAlliance Church, 2501 Concession Road 6, LaSalle on Thursday, November 22, 2018from 11:00 a.m. " 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 " 8:00 p.m. In LieuOf Flowers "We all have seen profound effectsT2B programs can have for those living with cancer and chronic illnesses. The Dr. Michelle Prince Comfort Care ToteProgram will be one of the first programs allowing T2B to support a patientfrom the day of diagnosis. Thecommitment from T2B (and its partners) to this program will be profound for anewly diagnosed cancer patient." Donations in memory of Michelle canbe made to the Dr. Michelle Prince Comfort Care Tote Program by visitingwww.T2B.ca. #keepdancing