Monday, January 14, 2019
You all have Bruce and my deepest sympathy. I just can't believe where the years have gone and that your dear Mom has passed away. It seems like only yesterday that we were out at the farm in Elmwood celebrating a reunion with the Ellig Family. I always got a kick out of your Mom. She was very down to earth, very easy going and always liked a good time. She enjoyed visiting my Mom, Florence, in Hanover when ever she could. I remember you Don and Ron and how I could never tell you two apart. Patsy, I remember seeing you and know you were closer to my brothers ages than me. I am 57 years old now and have 4 grandsons and another child on the way. It has seemed forever that we have seen you guys. Once again, deepest sympathy and God Bless. Your Mom was a dear lady and will always live forever in our hearts.