Monday, January 14, 2019
James-Dylan asked me this morning if we were going to Windsor today and when I told him we could not, he said, "Mom, I just want to hug Maya, Melanie, Cathy and Denny and their Nonna. I feel really bad that they are sad. Their Nonno was so nice to me. I remember him playing with us and hugging me when he visited." I agreed with him. We want to hug you all but we can only send you our deepest condolences for losing such a wonderful man. We will always remember him as a cheerful man, warm and caring and such a great Nonno, even to our own son on his visits. May you rest in peace Giovanni. It was a privilege to have known you. Our deepest and saddest condolences to the family. Signora Piacentin, Kevin, Antonia, Porshia- le nostre pi� sentite condoglianze per la tua perdita. Sei nei nostri pensieri e preghiere. Cathy, Denny, Maya and Melanie- We love you and are here for you during these difficult times and always. Con tutti i nostri cuori, Teresa, James and James-Dylan Yule.