Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Gwen, Am so very saddened to hear about Pete's passing. Please know that I am sending love and healing energy to you and your Family at this time and always. Peter,Cathy and Dave and Leah and Derek, It is also a devastating time for you as I am sure tha your Dad was a loving Father and a Warm and Loving Grandpa.Loving Peaceful thoughts to all of you as well as Pete's brother Gabriel. Pete had a great sense of humor and always had a way of making me laugh with his jokes and his crazy stories about work especially.Jim and I along with Gwen and Pete were inseparable when we were I. Our late teens and early 20's and got into a fair bit of trouble however nothing serious. He was a great and loyal friend and he will be missed by anyone who ever got to know what a terrific guy he was. Love you always Gwen.