Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Family Timperio; My sincerest condolences on the loss of Mr. Timperio. My brother Philippe called me today to let me know of his past illness and his passing away. I truly am sorry to you all. Its unfortunate that time and distance has put such a gap between us and I hope it takes more than sharing a loss of a loved one for us to reconnect. Vince; you were my best friend as a young boy and a part of my fondest memories of growing up, you are the "best friend" that I always compare(d) best friends to. Your father and family were always so sincere and sharing. Your father had a lot to do with your cultured, eloquent family values. I'd love to connect with you all the next time I'm visiting Windsor. Until then, remember my thoughts are with you. Kindest Regards, Noel