Monday, January 14, 2019
Good day. Last time in 2002 I heard Aunt Julia. At that time she was 99 years old. I thought she was dead. Then it turned out he died seven years later. In 1975 this was the last time we were with us in Czechoslovakia. When he wanted to go back to Canada, had to be postponed, because her sister died at this time. Unexpectedly. 5 aug 1975. Aunt Mariska bred me to age 14. Then he died. I remember it was Tuesday. (5aug1975) It was my father''s aunt. Like Aunt Julia. I can not speak English, I use a translator. That''s why I''m not writing more. because you probably do not understand. I want to know what Julia has done in the past 7 years from 2002 to 2009.But here is my facebook page: Thank - Ferenc from Kom�rno Slovakia