Nadia posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Amelia.. my Partner in Crime.. Dear friendly speaking yet feisty Pal..
You absolutely wonderful Being.
I am sooo angry You are gone and yet, I can hear your voice, I can feel you consoling me.
I know many people have wonderful memories of you..well deserved my Soul~Friend..I love and abundantly cherish my experience with you. I truly feel blessed that we have crossed paths.
Your, (what I consider now) your last chapter, your last round in life to touch people's lives was a True Blessing.
You have helped, you have encouraged, you have taught, you have comforted any and every person who was lucky enough to cross paths with you. Your strength and integrity = A+.
I will eventually accept that you no longer will greet me, you will no longer tell me you love longer ask me "Hows my baby" (about Journey) longer worry that I am limping because of my knee.
I am thinking so selfishly about your passing, as this is too soon, to ubrupt. I needed time before you left us even though I know You are with your beloved hubby, your family.. I am still crushed!
I am forever grateful for the Love and Bond You and my daughter had. She gave up play dates to come see you when I had to work! She bragged that You were her best friend. Her little 7 year old friends begged me to come along when I had to make a trip to work, just so they could meet you.
I LOVE the way that whenever you mentioned Paula.. you said, My Paula.
Maaaan, Amelia, you raised a warrior.. She truly is everything You bragged about.
I cherish the stories you shared with me about singing and swaying while my Nonno played the accordian...I would have never known otherwise.
I can go on forever my Lady.. instead, I will end it here, and go through all the pics I have of you.
You will be greatly missed my friend.. You have touched so many lives that your absence will be felt for a very long time.